EASPORTS Game Changer

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Free Tip Friday: 2 Man Under Defense

Whats up guys, EASPORTS Game Changer Anton B.

Its another addition of FREE tip friday and today we are gonna look at 2 Man Under out of 3-4 Defense.

This Defense isnt really used that much in MADDEN, but I was in the lab late and found a GEM.

Ever wonder how to bring pressure from this Defense they call 2 Man Under? well im gonna show you how its done coming through the B Gap.

1. The First thing you have to do is Pinch your D Line. This will occupy the Offenses 3 down lineman.

2. Reblitz both of the LB that are sitting over the A gap. This will cause the 3 down lineman to pursue your pinched line leaving one of the LB to come through freely.

3. The Two Safety's that are in the Blue zones covering the deep ball, Hot Route them to cover the RB that are coming out on Routes out the backfield.

Thats it.... Now Go make a play.....

Until next time...... Lets Goooooo!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dont "Sugar" Coat it in MADDEN 12

Whats up MADDEN Fans, EASPORTS GAME CHANGER, Anton B and we will be talking about the Nickle 2-4-5 Sugar Blitzes.

A few months back I have had the opportunity to play Community Manager, @JDewiel from EASPORTS and also the Leader of the EASPORTS GAME CHANGERS program.

Over the past 4 years Myself and Justin have had battles every since I started playing in the Community Playdates with the EASPORTS MADDEN DEV TEAM.

Each year he gets better and better, and i fell victim to him this year with the Sugar Blitzes and so I decided to go into the lab and see exactly what he was doing.

Using this Defense you will notice a Double A Gap with the to LB's.

1. Take Both LB and place them directly over the  DT on both sides

2. Edge rush

3. you can use Coverage D and still bring the pain on either side. Just Reblitz the LB on which ever side you wanna bring the heat from and edge rush.

Justin never uses what we as MADDEN BALLERS use and that is "Cheese" but his Stick work and how he utilizes the plays that he is familiar with pays off.

I like to use the Sugar blitzes in certain situations just to change things up for my opponent.

If you take a look at the video below, you will see the setups and the coverages behind the heat.
You can make your own adjustments, these are a few examples.

Thanks for reading... Until next time.. Get in the lab and practice....

Now Go WIN..... Lets Gooooo

Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Stop FullHouse WR Double Shake or TE Quick Pass over the Middle

Whats up MADDEN fans, EASPORTS GAME CHANGER Anton B, gonna show you how to stop Fullhouse WR Double Shake play or a Quick pass to the TE.

When your facing an "Baller" in MADDEN one thing you may notice is that they do ALOT of quick passes, and if your not ready or expecting it you can get burnt.

One of the most widely used formations for this is the FULLHOUSE formation WR Double shake where the RB does a Hook out of the backfield.

This play can be deadly if you dont know its coming, but the thing about this play is that you can audible to the other side and your opp. wont even know you did.

Or you may see some use a quick pass to the TE.

So you ask how you stop it? Real simple just takes time to adjust and know when its coming.

As I stated before, before you pick your play on D, try to remember what your opp. done previously in the game, normally most ppl only run five plays so the play you got burnt on you will get a chance to defend it again.

Memorization is key when facing a "Baller" because they will do the same things all game long.

Here is what you need to do to stop Fullhouse "WR Double Shake" or TE Quick pass.

1. Play man to man: This will give you extra help when you make the proper adjustments to stop the play.

2. Which ever side you think the play is going to place your DE in the Yellow zone, this will drop him back to cover the the one side of the Middle of field.

3. Take your LB and place him in QB Spy: This will have your LB watch where ever the QB goes and when he throws over the middle, he reacts quickly.

4.  Manually Press Coverage: To Manually press cover, hold RB the entire time until the ball is snap once snap continue to hold dow RB and watch your defender bump the TE. When defending Fullhouse you cant use this only what i stated above because you cant bump a RB... simple.

Finally, dont get out smarted and choose to hot route the wrong side of the field with your DE and LB or you will be burnt.

Now Go make a play.... Follow me on twitter @Anton32 for all madden tips!

Until Next time.... LETS GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Free Tip Friday: How to Seal a VICTORY

Whats up MADDEN FANS, EASPORTS GAME CHANGER Anton B, bringing you a FREE tip in MADDEN NFL 12.

Today we are gonna look at Man Up 3 Deep, a play widely used across the MADDEN Tournament scene.

In this play we are looking to defend the Deep ball against our opponent when we are up late in the 4th quarter using Man to Man Coverage.

The first thing you wanna do is when using this defense is make sure you have the fastest defenders on the field because you know your opponent is going deep and you dont wanna get caught slipping.

This defense will have you in Man coverage but if you do it correctly, your opponent wont have time to get the ball off.

what you wanna do is show blitz (Y left on xbox controller) this will bring your guys down to the LOS.

Reblitz the safety and place him over the DT on the Left side of screen.

Reblitz the MLB and place him on the other side over the DT

Crash your line: Left bumper Left on the with the Left stick.

Edge Rush: Left bumper, Up on the Right Stick.

Now go make a play!! Thanx for reading the blog... Until Next Time...

Lets GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thinking Outside the Box in MADDEN NFL 12

Whats up MADDEN Fans, EASPORTS GAME CHANGER here Anton B, with another great installment, "Being Creative" in MADDEN NFL 12.

In my last blog we talked about How to recognize "Heat" when playing MADDEN NFL 12, and today we are going to touch on "Thinking Outside The Box", something that most tournament guys do to become sucessful each year.

As we keep our focus on "Labbing" and becoming more comfortable doing it by ourselves, sometimes we may find things in practice mode that look unique and different from anyone else that is playing MADDEN this year.

Whether it be a special little trick play, to finding a A Gap nano, or how to sucessfully run the ball better than our opponent, it is creative on our end. No one else in the community is doing what we just produced or reproduced in the game and this is "Thinking Outside The Box".

In order to gain better insight and the ability to "Break" the game, we stay in the Lab and grind and we try things and task risk that no one else in the community will do.

One may say "Man your crazy that is not gonna work" but it may work for you and not for them and that is because you understand the Concept behind what you are doing whether it be on Defense or Offense.

Understanding your own concept and why you are doing what you are doing will make you a better player in MADDEN.

Alot of guys more times than not have purchased an ebook guide somewhere along the line this year to try to improve there MADDEN game, but do you understand the concept of what you just spent your $20 on? Or are you just getting the book because you want to be able to bring "Heat" or learn to Rocket Catch and win a couple ranked matches?

No one knows how to run your plays you lab but YOU!?!?! You can give it to all your friends and at the same time they will not be able to use the book effectively Why? Because you are not the author and you did not "Think Outside The Box"

It doesnt take much to be able to "Think Outside the Box" very simple.  And here is how:

1. Go in the Lab and find a Playbook you wanna run.

2. Find something in the book that looks strange: Most times we look through playbooks and see a play that has a wierd art work design and we say man thats not gonna work, but until you try it, and try it and try it, you will never know. Try the play, use motion snap (motioning a WR etc. across field and snap under center/near TE) and see what happens, and the reaction of the players

3. Working on the "Gem" you found: Once you found a few plays, try them and flip the sides, and run them to death until you Master the play. Now i recommend you try it against a lab partner first before going online, or offline tourny. And if you see you got it beat somewhere on the field stick the play in your back pocket and dont let it go. That can be the play that decides the game.

4. Put your plays into action: You found the plays, you created them now its time for you to go and win Big!!

Dont ever become complacent with someone elses work because you can lab it all day and may even become very good at it, but you will NEVER be able to run it better than the Author of the play!

Keep labbing Hard and soon you will be the "Baller" everyone is talking about on National Live TV.

Feel free to enjoy the 4th quarter of my online ranked match after my lab session, I won real big after labbing. Take notice of the play that I am running and the things that I do!

Until Next Time...... Follow me on twitter @Anton32...... LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Recognizing "Heat" in MADDEN NFL 12

Whats up MADDEN Fans, EASPORTS GAME CHANGER Anton B back with another addition to becoming a better MADDEN player and the steps you need to take to become more competitive.

In my last blog we talked about mentally preparing and viewing your recorded game play of your previous game and seeing your mistakes and what you need to work on.

This week we are going to discuss how to recoginize "Heat" a term that is widely used across the tournament scene or "Pressure" another term used in the Tournament scene.

Being able to know when the "Heat" is coming and how to recognize it, will definitely give you a slight edge over your opponent and burn him in any situation.

This year in MADDEN NFL 12 its not that hard to bring "Heat" against your opponent if you know what you are doing, and taking the time to lab to find the plays that work for YOU!

Many "Ballers" this year are using the 46 Guide bought to you by none other than EASPORTS GAME CHANGERS @sgibs7 and @maddenbible. These two gentleman are widely known across the madden world for the Defensive schemes and there video guides in which you can purchase from www.primamadden.com.

So you ask how do you know when someone is bringing "Heat"? Glad you asked. More times than not when you come to the line of scrimmage, if you are paying attention you will notice a shift in the line in either direction and alot of different movements by different players. RELAX!?!?!

Your opponent is setting up his/her defense to bring the "Heat" and this is where you need to figure out which way it is coming from. Most times which ever way the line shifts,(crashes) the "Heat" is coming from the opposite direction off the edge with the DE, so you need to find plays in your PB to be able to find your Go To Guy quickly. But dont be fooled because your opponent can also Edge Rush and you wont see the line move, but only players moving as he is setting up as well.

1. You must set your audibles and in there you must have plays that your comfortable with to be able to audible down to beat the "Heat". Dont pick just any play because your nervous and he killed you on the previous play.

2. Quick Snap: Dont give your opponent time to set up his defense. If he is a good baller, it can take him seconds to setup, so hustle to the line, know what play and where your going and hit A.

3. Dont be afraid to run: alot of times, running against "Heat" can also burn your opponent, because they are not expecting it.

4. Use Draw plays: the draw play is really effective in my opinion against heat because alot of the "Heat" is coming off the edge and the middle of the field is wide open.

Dont forget you have to Lab to become better and to be able to recognize these types of things. The best players practice in madden anywhere from 10+ hours a day if time permits.

Hope you learned something this week in my blog and be sure to leave feedback and or msg me on twitter @Anton32 im there all the time interacting.

Until next time..... LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Whats up Madden Fans, EASPORTS GAME CHANGER Anton B here mentally playing Madden NFL 12 and what i mean by that is as i relax in the comfort of my living room, im thinking of my last few games i played, viewing the recorded videos of the games i played and wonder where did I go wrong that the game took a turn on me. Was it my Defense or my Offense that took the dive? This is one of the things that will help you become more competitive and compete on a PRO level as I do. Being able to identify and analyze the game and your mistakes will minimize making them in the future. I lost a game yesterday to a guy name MAZEIN who is a very good "Baller" I came out in the game in my base offense to see what he would do and by surprise i notice him doing the "LB SHAKE", moving your LB constantly until the ball is snap to get instant pressure or "HEAT", I then audibled down from shotgun to the strong close and hit him with counters. Unfortunately I lost the game big, because i couldnt over some Heat off the edge, but i did find as i was viewing the tape that i had some key plays that he couldnt stop, so now I know the next time what to do. As i head out of here i wanna leave you with a MADDEN 12 Gameplay tip and that is how to effectively do the surprise onside kick. Alot of ppl been asking me how its done so here you go. what you want to do is pick normal K.O. tap "A" to start the meter now the trick is get the meter to about 60% and then tap "A" "B". if you do it correctly you will notice a slight pause after you kick and now its up to you to recover!:) Hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to post your feedback and any questions you have pertaing to MADDEN NFL 12.... Until next time... LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!!