EASPORTS Game Changer

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Whats up Madden Fans, EASPORTS GAME CHANGER Anton B here mentally playing Madden NFL 12 and what i mean by that is as i relax in the comfort of my living room, im thinking of my last few games i played, viewing the recorded videos of the games i played and wonder where did I go wrong that the game took a turn on me. Was it my Defense or my Offense that took the dive? This is one of the things that will help you become more competitive and compete on a PRO level as I do. Being able to identify and analyze the game and your mistakes will minimize making them in the future. I lost a game yesterday to a guy name MAZEIN who is a very good "Baller" I came out in the game in my base offense to see what he would do and by surprise i notice him doing the "LB SHAKE", moving your LB constantly until the ball is snap to get instant pressure or "HEAT", I then audibled down from shotgun to the strong close and hit him with counters. Unfortunately I lost the game big, because i couldnt over some Heat off the edge, but i did find as i was viewing the tape that i had some key plays that he couldnt stop, so now I know the next time what to do. As i head out of here i wanna leave you with a MADDEN 12 Gameplay tip and that is how to effectively do the surprise onside kick. Alot of ppl been asking me how its done so here you go. what you want to do is pick normal K.O. tap "A" to start the meter now the trick is get the meter to about 60% and then tap "A" "B". if you do it correctly you will notice a slight pause after you kick and now its up to you to recover!:) Hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to post your feedback and any questions you have pertaing to MADDEN NFL 12.... Until next time... LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!!

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