EASPORTS Game Changer

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



What's up everyone, we all have had the chance to play the NCAA FOOTBALL 14 demo, and if you haven't already you need to STOP reading this, go download it and come back and finish reading because you are missing out on the BEST NCAA FOOTBALL 14 game that is set to release in stores July 9th!

After reading all the blogs and seeing all of the video trailers that EASPORTS put out over the months leading up to the demo, I was very thrilled at what was yet to come.

We as critics and Hardcore fans of EASPORTS, we often times wonder what the company has up there sleeve. Will it be another disappointment for some or will it be what the fans and Hardcore gamers wanted for years?

Well this year The Hardcore fans and Gamers got what they wanted from EASPORTS and NCAA FOOTBALL 14!!!

The feel of the game is sooo smooth when running the ball or even scanning the field over to complete a pass with the all new and improved Zone Coverage!!! I could hardly believe what I was playing.

Despite we all know that the demo was not the final version, if the game would have released with what we saw and played in the demo, I truly believe we all would have been happy!

This is a all new Overhaul of what we have been playing so many years, the improvements that have been made only goes to show how much EASPORTS cares about there fans and customers!

A few things that have been improved that I noticed right away are running to the outside, no more of the suction blocking and not being able to get out there to make a tackle. The O line and D line play fantasic!! As I mentioned the Zones play as they are supposed to and The all new revamped Option... Boy that will give people headaches! Especially the Shovel Option!

How do you like the Nike Skills Trainer? I like what they did with this, the ability to practice key runs etc. to help with your game!

Overall I am overwhelmed and it will only get better for xbox ONE!!

That's it for now, stay tuned as the season is about to start for EASPORTS NCAA FOOTBALL 14 and I will be bringing you tips and video tips right here so don't go away!!

Until next time... Follow me on twitter @Anton32 YouTube MrAnton32

See you all July 9th on the Grid Iron!

For more info visit www.easports.com

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