EASPORTS Game Changer

Monday, June 17, 2013

NCAA FOOTBALL 14 DEMO Drops Tomorrow


Whats up NCAA FOOTBALL fans, We are hours away from the highly Anticipated NCAA FOOTBALL 14 Demo, which drops tomorrow.

From the information I have received it will be a Full game demo with 3 minutes being the Quarter lengths. 

We will finally get the chance to actually see how the all new Infinity  works as far as the gameplay.

From what I understand the game plays faster and smoother.  You will also be able to see and try out the NEW defensive assignment keys when the option is being ran and much more.

The NCAA FOOTBALL franchise has always been a release channel for me in preparing for MADDEN! 

Most times then not the feel of the game is identical to MADDEN except for the game speed and some other tweaks.

EASPORTS has set the bar with this New Infinity engine and Im excited to see how this will work.

Will the engine stop a lot of the Online/Offline CHEESE or will people still find a way to break the Game?

We shall see because I am going to dive into the game head first and try some things that I know how to do to be competitive in MADDEN and NCAA FOOTBALL!

What are your thoughts? Stop back by on Tuesday evening and ill have my first impressions of the Demo.

Keep in mind that the build that you play is NOT the final version of the game!!

Until next time... Follow me on twitter @Anton32 Youtube MrAnton32

For more information go www.easports.com

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